Monday, August 17, 2009

Crazy Kroger Sale!!!

DOubling up to $1 coupons... CRAZINESS!!!!
Kroger was packed and by the time I was able to get up there, many of my items were gone, but I roamed around and found some other great deals. Here's is a general run-down.

Buitoni pasta
Kraft Cheese
True Lemon
Keebler cookies
Degree and Dove deodorant
Tyson box chicken nuggets
Eggo waffles
Suave for kids
Suddenly Salad
Wet ones
Pasta sides

This is two transactions together. My Total OOP was $39.37 for 39 items that's retail was $103.33. I saved a total of $63.96!!!!
Basically, I spent $1.01 per item, which when you figure some of the things I bought, that's pretty good.

Praise God! He has given us a mind to use wisely to glorify Him, and I believe he was glorified and pleased with this stewardship of his money!