Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gettin' fixed...

My sweet Rinnah had to have surgery several weeks ago, but it was for the best.  She has been having trouble sleeping from sleep apnea, and had very recently began having hearing issues.  I noticed one day that I was constantly repeating myself to her and having to speak very loudly for her to hear me.
So, she had tonsils and adenoids removed, and tubes put in her ears.
The difference now is like night and day.  She can hear perfectly, says the audiologist.  And I can't hear her choking herself to breath at night while we all try to sleep.
The whole process was a little hard.  Especially when she was coming out of the anesthesia.  So sad.
I just wanted to cry but knew that wouldn't help anything. 
All she kept saying was "I don't want this thing, take it off!" in reference to the IV.  I would be saying the same thing, so I really couldn't blame her.
But what a treat it was, to have so much wonderful care there from people we know at church!  I think it made me feel so much more comfortable just knowing that the ones taking care of my girl were faithful followers of God.
And another nice treat for Rinnah!?  She has had a diet full of Popsicles and ice cream!

Mama J was there to help Rinnah sit up after the goofy juice.

Finally resting after being fighting mad after the surgery.

First popsicle!  Yummmmmm.

A visit from daddy and sisters.

They were so worried about her.
I love how strong this little girl is already.  Later that afternoon, she just couldn't sit in that bed anymore and started to climb down.  My mom and I jumped up not wanting her to pull her IV out or anything.  She said she wanted to go for a walk. Haha, okay...
The nurse said sure!  So we unplug the IV machine and go for a little walk down the hall!  She bounced back so well and is feeling great  two weeks later.

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