Thursday, March 4, 2010

Our Little Gymnast

Selah was invited to a birthday party for this past Saturday and we were all very excited because it was a gymnastics party!!! Selah was adamant about wearing the appropriate attire, so we are thankful for older cousins who pass down their unwearables (is that a word?)...Thanks Micah.
Here are some photos to show how much fun Selah had being a gymnast for a day!

As you can see she had a blast, even Rinnah got in on a little of the fun. Sorry for many of the pictures being blurry, but it was so hard to get her in a moment of motionlessness (again, not sure if that's a real word, but it works)!!!!


Alison Portis said...

So cute! I think sweet Selah is going to be a gymnast. She looks just like one of the cute little gymnast girls in the summer olympics with her hair up like that. Miss you guys.

mattandpj said...

Look at my adorable nieces. micah says, "you are welcome!" and thanks to HER big cousin Bella. it is a 3rd person gym suit!

Liz said...

Wow, I am sure she had a blast being the little dancer/gymnast that she is! What a crazy little girl! Too fun!