Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our Little Weed!

My two girls this morning... caught Selah in the moment, and she caught me. She has really gotten to be so big since Rinnah was born.

Today we had Rinnah's two week old appointment, I can't believe it's already been two weeks since she was born.
Her numbers were really impressive! She grew over an inch since she was born, and is now 7 lbs 11.5 oz. that's a few ounces over her birth weight! i was very glad that she had grown so much already!
It was very encouraging, I am sure now that I have plenty of good milk to give to my precious girl!


Jennifer said...

OH she is so amazing! How are you? I would love to bring Carter and come visit you let me know when would be a good time and I can bring Tiffany too!

Alison Portis said...

Tiffany, your girls (and my nieces :) ) are PRECIOUS! I can't wait to meet Rinnah. Hope you guys are doing great. Love you!

Tiff said...

Jen, would love for you guys to come by... anytime next week would be good, just let me know.
Ali, I can't wait for you to meet Rinnah either. I actually was thinking about you the other day on your anniversary and was looking for tickets... maybe we can afford it later in the summer. Let us know when you plan to come to Texas, we can come to Lockhart while you are in town so you aren't driving all over the place.

~SHO~ said...

Wow, that is awesome!

The Mershawn's said...

Sweet girls:).