Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend... and more!!

We had such a great Easter weekend, which actually started the weekend before Easter. We spent that weekend at Granny's house and had a little egg hunt for Selah and my niece, Faith. They had a great time and really got into it this year!

Selah just loved her dress, she begged me for weeks to wear it... and she was finally able to and wouldn't even look at the camera. She spent the whole day dancing and twirling around, making sure everyone noticed her pretty dress. Our little Princess!

That's me and Selah... and our 30 weeks bellies (she's not showing near as much as me). I am feeling pretty good. I'm not sleeping well, having braxton hicks, and hungry a lot! But am feeling great! HaHa.... well, not quite great, but that's okay, I'm making a baby here...what'd you expect!!
I am feeling so blessed at this point...


The Mershawn's said...

Ah, it's so good to read about a pregnant girl feeling well....I'm jealous. These darn bands aren't working for me. Still praying they'll kick in soon:). hehe Wishful thinking...

Selah looked beautiful in her Easter dress! So very grown up to just be a baby....right?:) Hope you guys had a great day.

The Johnson's said...

Selah looks so big in her East dress! :) I saw on your facebook you’ve been having some contractions. Hope that gets better for you and your getting plenty of rest!