Thursday, April 19, 2012

My sweet girls

 Selah had a package of toy clay and had a lot of fun creating different things.  I had to take a picture of this creation though.  Can you tell what she used to make the head?

Selah's giraffe eating from the top of a tree.

We recently went on a quick trip to visit some family, and it was late and in the middle of nowhere when Rinnah said she had to go potty.  Even though we had already put her pull up on since they were going to be falling asleep soon, she wanted us to stop.  There wasn't a bathroom in the near future, so we found a safe place on the side of the road and.........

She had a hard time at first.
This is Millah's favorite thing to do lately.  She will pull everything out of the cabinet and then climb in.  She's so little that she can slide all the way to the back and then can hardly be seen.
I just love that silly smile.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Easter!

Praise God, that we serve a living Savior!

Hope you all had a blessed Easter, here are some pics from ours.

Friday, April 13, 2012


That describes my feeling when I opened the dryer at 8:30 pm the night before Millah's dedication at church.  Her dress was in there, it was the perfect dress.  There were also 3 white cardigans for the girls.
There was also a purple and orange crayon in the dryer....
Have you ever seen a mom freak out!  I was freaking out!  Thank God that my best friend Jenna was there to calm me down and jump on google for some help.  She also kept me from attacking my child!
It was also very good that our men were already in town running some errands.  She found a solution online that didn't hurt to try.  Got the boys to pick up a few items.
Then the race was on.  How quickly can we get this to work out... or just call it a loss.
The main trick was a product called LA's Totally Awesome.  And let me tell you, it was totally awesome!
I just dumped half the bottle in very hot water in the washing machine and let the dress and cardigans soak for about 30 minutes.  I did a little bit of pretreating with the LA's before soaking it though (spray a bit and do small circles with an old tooth brush).
Then I washed the stuff in the LA's, then did an extra wash and rinse with detergent.  Then pulled it out to dry and the crayon was............
Yay!  Finally at about midnight I put the dress and cardigans into the dryer and went to bed.
Millah was beautiful the next day for her special dedication back to the Lord, and I found my new favorite product in the world.
Then, about a week later, I had the energy to attack the whole entire load of crayon streaked clothes.