Monday, August 30, 2010


I have added some new blogs to my blog list.  They are some I have been using lately for my sewing inspirations, which I will share more of soon enough.  Keep your eyes on that list and see what they have coming up.  I love their tutorials, so easy to follow and duplicate for someone like me.  I have some ability, just not very good at coming up with the what and how of making some of the things I have in my head. 
Check back in the next few weeks for some posts on my latest creations, I am so proud and excited to be making things!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Coupon organization

Some people have asked about getting started with couponing.  It's so simple to do and really requires such little time when compared to how much you can save.  The first step, for sure, is getting organized!
I have included some photos of my binder... I know, you're thinking "I have to carry around this big binder into the store while I shop?!'  No, you don't have to, but it's so worth it!  And it's fun to count the looks you get, haha.

This is my second binder, my first one busted at the seams.  I am looking for a good one with some good pockets and holders on the inside now that I've gotten so into this.
If I know I am going to be stopping by a store, I load my binder up with me and the kiddos.
Right on the inside you will find my ads and some clear pockets.  The first thing I do when I read an ad is circle with my black sharpie all the good deals, later it's easier to see what coupons to match from my binder.  In the clear pockets I have some envelopes.  One for each store I frequent and one for coupons that need to be filed away.  This helps me to be able to see everything right away.  In each store envelope I include a shopping list along with the corresponding coupons.

In a separate clear folder I keep all my CVS coupons from their "special" machine and my ECBs.  If your unfamiliar with the ECB concept check out this post from a fellow couponer.  I have to say this is my favoritest way to save money... almost always guarantees some free products!

Then you get to the meat of the binder... the coupons!  I use baseball card pages.  You can get them almost anywhere now.  I think I got mine at Target and WalMart... had to restock.
After you cut the coupons out, they fit pretty nicely, although you can tell from this picture some need to be folded.  That's fine, the important thing it that you can tell what product it is, the value, and the expiration.  I have seen some binders that put cut index cards so you can use both sides of the page.  Great idea, I just don't do that.

When organizing your tabs, do what works for you.  I use categories.  So, I have cleaning items as you see in the picture, baby items, cold foods, meat, condiments, canned goods, bake goods, Target... and it goes on for a while.  I read where one lady did hers alphabetically.  The key is you know your mind and what works for you.  There's no right or wrong way.

So, that's it, in a nut shell.  So simple.  The most important thing to remember is to do what works for you.  No one told me to use the clear folders in the front, but I do it because it helps me to organize everything.
I hope this helps with any questions you have about getting started.  Gotta start somewhere... so go get a binder and some card holders and start clipping already!
A friend of mine has a great blog where she posts her great deals... Here is a post that will help you get started.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

CVS for $1.44

So, I haven't posted a shopping trip in a while because I haven't had much luck!  But tonight I got some great deals, and to be honest I wasn't really planning on it, haha.
I ran into CVS with my binder and the need for some diapers.  The day before I had use their machine and gotten a $4 off Q for Huggies Jean diapers, and then the register spit out a $5 off $15 Q.  So I had an idea of what I was going for.... Things just got really confusing when I couldn't find any jeans diapers, so I just grabbed a package of regular Huggies (tag said $11) and then went searching for something to make my $15.  I didn't find my first choice, so I just kind of roamed the aisles for a minute.  Then I came across the Dawn.  On for $.97, I knew I had some Qs in my binder for them, so I grabbed 3 and headed to pay.  I was sure that would add up.
The lady at the front was so nice to call the manager to see if they would honor my Q for the jeans diapers, and he actually found me a pack, so that ended up working for me... and actually the jeans diapers rang up $8.99.  Well, that just meant I needed more items to make my $15.  I remembered that I had gotten a pretzel m&m Q when I walked in, which were on sale buy 2 get 1 free.  I grabbed 3 of those and one more Dawn... that did it with just $.12 over.
Then came all the Qs:
Huggies $8.99 (used $4 CVS and $2 Man)
4 Dawn $.97 each ($1 and 3 $.25 Qs)
M&Ms $.89 and B2GO ($.50 CVS Q)
Plus the $5 off CVS Q
Total OOP $1.44
I was very proud!  I raised my arms in victory as I made my way back to the car, and my man just giggled at me (he secretly loves it).
Sorry this was so long, but I just wanted to show that having a plan and an idea really is best for an in and out trip.  That way you don't spend so much time searching for the deals like I ended up doing.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beaver's Bend trip

Last weekend we spent a few days in Beaver's Bend, Oklahoma.  Selah kelp calling it "Uncle Homa", haha.  She also thought that the only reason we were there was for a big birthday celebration for Pop, my dad.  His birthday was last week, and she connected the two and we all made it an ongoing joke.  And yes, Daddy, your birthday week is over.
So, my parents rented this great little cabin, we had all the food we could eat, and my uncle brought his boat for the lake.  We had a great time!  I can't even think of all the fun or especially funny things that happened (as they always do when this group is together), but it was just a blast!  Unfortunately, I got home with out my camera, and I am just heartbroken about it.  I had some great pics of the trip, but thank goodness I had already gotten all the other pictures off.  So I am just going to give you the low down of some of the best things that happened:
1. Selah tubed behind the boat for the first time... and loved it!!  I got a great video of this, but it's on the camera that I no longer have. boo.
2. The lake was like bath water almost, which is great for me.  I can't stand cold water, so if it were colder I wouldn't have gotten in.
3. We had some great homemade meals thanks to some wise women... us, haha!  We pre-made all our meals and froze them at home.  When we were ready to eat them at the cabin they had already thawed in the fridge and were ready to heat in the oven.  Great meals with no clean up!
4. Had some laughs when the power went out one evening.  It was just starting to get unbearably hot when it all came back on.
5. We went to this fun little shop called "Girls Gone Wine" and had fun just looking through their merchandise.  They also have free wine tasting there, with  some very different flavors.
6. Did I mention we spent a lot of time at the lake.  While some people went on the boat the rest of us would just relax and swim off the bank.  That's where we found all the treasure.  Two pair of sunglasses, one hat, goggles, and countless rocks, sticks, and beer bottles.
7.  Family time!  That was one of the best parts of this whole trip.
8. The greatest part of all was seeing the amazing creation of God's in this Park and lake.  As we were driving through the State Park Selah said the best thing, and those are the words I will leave you with.
"Look at all of God's beautiful creation, wow!"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Photo Comparison

Here is a comparison of the girls, Selah (in the top picture) is 16 months and Rinnah ( in the bottom picture) is 13 months.  I think they look so much alike.  They have so many of the same facial expressions.  Love those girls!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tube Dudes!

Weeks ago we went to the library for a special event, they had a puppet show.  And it was so cute!  Selah loved it, laughed the entire time.  Since then she has been asking to make tube dudes, on of the puppets this guy had (it was his special name for them).  Well, the other day we finally did it and I got some cute pics of her and Daddy making their very own tube dude!  Rinnah even got in on the craft time a bit too, until she started eating the pencil.  Once the puppets were created, they wowed me with an adorable show!  She has been playing with them ever since.
Selah with all the materials.


Rinnah drew her own picture.                          

Selah and Daddy working hard to create the perfect tube dude.


Tube Dude show at the Portis Home!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rinnah- Already 1!!

My precious little girl, so much fun, so happy, so curious and inquisitive... I can't believe you are already One year old!

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