Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Random moments...

I have a beautiful daughter, but, my goodness, when she wakes up in the morning......

Rinnah sleeping soundly.

Sisters enjoying time together.

Selah having a blast flying her new kite with Daddy.

The Birthday "Kids"...
Happy Birthday to two of my favorites in the world. Love you guys!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

kroger this week...

This week at kroger they are having a pretty good sale. You buy 10 participating items and get $5 off your total.
I bought 20 items, so received $10 off my total, plus had lots of coupons.
As you can see, there is a lot of good stuff here... cereal, bars, planters, kraft dressings (4), listerine, desserts, tyson chicken... all of this stuff came out to less than $30 dollars.
Then I had to buy some things for our groceries for the week. i got the Grande tortilla chips which i had coupons for and one of them was buy 2 bags, get $2 off ground beef... so I got the chips for $1 a bag and the beef was only $1.80.
My trip was successful, my first real one since Rinnah was born. i am finally getting back into the swing of things.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our Little Weed!

My two girls this morning... caught Selah in the moment, and she caught me. She has really gotten to be so big since Rinnah was born.

Today we had Rinnah's two week old appointment, I can't believe it's already been two weeks since she was born.
Her numbers were really impressive! She grew over an inch since she was born, and is now 7 lbs 11.5 oz. that's a few ounces over her birth weight! i was very glad that she had grown so much already!
It was very encouraging, I am sure now that I have plenty of good milk to give to my precious girl!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Today we had a nice relaxing day at home and I was able to catch some special moments on video. I wasn't able to add both videos to one post, so be sure you check out the following post for the second video of Selah dancing.
Enjoy my little girls!
Here is the second of today's videos. Selah had a good time dancing first thing this morning.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Almost one week over due---

that would be this post, not my delivery.
Rinnah Lorraine Portis was born June 25 at 1:22 pm, only a day past her due date.
I am just not getting to let everyone in cyberspace know because that day our hard drive also crashed... isn't that typical of how things go.

I wanted to share a little of this birth story because it was such and blessing and answer to our prayers.
We have been praying this whole pregnancy for God to allow my body to work as He designed it and that I would have a successful, natural VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). i knew in my heart that God could do what needed to be done to allow this to happen.

We started by using a doctor that would support these desires and beliefs...Check.
Then we decided to use a doula (support person and extra coach during entire labor and delivery) and we just happen to be good friends with a wonderful doula... Check.
Next was to get as educated as possible, so we took a Bradley Method class... Check.

I know God did his part in everything that happened this pregnancy and delivery, but i also believe that it was our effort and energy that we put into it as well that brought us to the wonderful conclusion we experienced.

I woke up at 2 am Thursday morning with some pretty strong contractions. By 4:30 they were stronger and seemed to be getting more regular, and I decided I needed support so I woke my sleeping husband. We both showered and got ready, finished packing our bags... and by this time the contractions were closer, stronger, and longer... I was ready to call our list.
First was my mom to tell her to prepare to meet us at the hospital, next was my sister to come get Selah, then we called Rose Marie (our doula) and she said she was on her way.
Once she got here and listened to Rinnah's heartbeat to make sure everything was good, we decided it was a good time to head in to the hospital. It was about 8:45 am at this point.

The drive was horrible and seemed like we would never make it there in time. The pains seemed worse when I was lying or sitting, so that made the ride very painful.

Once checked in to the hospital, they checked everything out and said I was already 6 cm and 80% effaced, and it seemed like it was moving quickly.

We also found out that Dr. Inzer was in surgery all morning, and they weren't sure when he would make it in... That was a little disheartening at the time.

A few hours after arriving they checked again and I was 8 cm and with the next contraction my water broke.... projectile, hilarious if I hadn't been in so much pain.
In 15 minutes I was fully dilated and effaced and ready to push!
This was the most glorious news, I had the urge to do just that for some time now. And with that, I began pushing with all my heart...I think it was shortly after this that James says I yelled that I wanted that baby out!
This was probably the easiest part for me... I felt like I was just pushing the pain right out of my body along with the baby.
In the process of all this Dr. Inzer arrived and i was relieved! He knew my heart and desire, the residents they had in there didn't know me from the lady down the hall.

After about an hour and a half, Rinnah's head was delivered and it seemed like the rest of her body just slid right out all by itself with the next contraction. I couldn't believe it! She was here, and God had made a wonderful miracle happen in the Portis family! Praise God!

Enjoy a few photos of her first moments!

Rinnah Lorraine Portis born June 25 at 1:22 pm. 7 lbs, 9 oz. 20.5 inches.